Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To say the least, Monday was another interesting day on the Olympic Odyssey trip.
It originally started out as the big day for JP, but would soon turn into an even bigger day for other members of the trip. JP's big day was postponed for Tuesday (details to come...stay tuned)

We started our day off at ancient Olympia, were the first ever Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. Along with our tour guide, Nike,(pronounced nikki)  we explored the grounds, piecing together many of the sites and artifacts that we had learned about in class. It was truly an amazing experience to be on the historical site, and it was even more interesting to think about the evolution of the Olympic Games. While on the grounds we saw remains of the Temple of Hera, the Temple of Zeus,  the Stade/ first ever stadium, and many other historical sites

Following our tour of Olympia, we had somewhat of a pool party at the hotel. This party was filled with memorable moments. (For further details checkout David's post)

After several hours at the pool and one mishap later, we made our way back to the Olympic site to visit the museum. While at the museum we learned about the various time periods that make up Ancient Greek civilizations and looked at many artifacts that are reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.  We were also able to tie in some of the things we had learned early in the day. As it was easier to visualize some of the important elements of the games and temples because they were located at the museum.

After the museum,  we were treated to a great frappe and we were given 2 hours to shop. And boy did we shop.... (For the parents reading this, don't worry Olympia was the best place to shop. Everything is inexpensive). Right after our shopping, we had an authentic Greek group dinner, that was delicious!!!!
Soon  after dinner, we returned to the hotel, where we dealt with even more excitement.

Olympia was wonderful, it truly put the trip and the Olympic Odyssey class into perspective. I guess the saying is right " You can't know where you're going, if you don't know where you came from". While our trip covered the Olympic Games in reverse order, it is amazing to see how the games have evolved into what we see today.
And how a cultural and historical tradition has truly lasted the tests of time. The Olympic Games are more than just an athletic event that occurs every 4 years, it is one of the few historical traditions that has withstood wars, social changes, and changes in the original form of the games.

I look forward to seeing Athens, and learning more about the Olympics Games!

Over and Out...


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