Tuesday- May 22
Today was a special day on our Olympic Odyssey trip, because we are celebrating two birthdays; Professor Ryan's and Jordan's, and it was our last day in Paris. We began our day at 10 am, as we left the hotel in hopes of visiting 9 tourist attractions in one day. The weather was beautiful and we were all excited that it had finally stopped raining in Paris.
Within 6 hours we were able to see St. Michel, the Roman Ruins, The Sorbonne University, Saint Sulpice Catholic Church, Luxembourg Gardens, the Eiffel Tour, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champ Elysees, Place de la Concorde, and the Madeleine.
It was a very long day, however I was very impressed that we were able to get in every attraction that profressor Ryan had planned for us to see.
My favorite attraction of the day was visting The Sorbonne University. The Sorbonne is the builiding were the concept of the modern Olympic Games was founded by Pierre De Coubertin, in 1896. This may have been one of the most important stops on our trip.
After touring Paris, we headed to a quaint restaurant down the street from our hotel. As usual I was very nervous about eating at the restaurant, because I am not a big fan of the food in Paris. Thankfully Professor Ryan persuaded me join the rest of the group for dinner. This was the best meal that I had in Paris and the 2nd best meal that I had on the entire trip. Not only was it delicious but it was also inexpensive. Props to P. Ry for such a great dinner recommendation.
Following dinner we all headed back to the hotel and celebrated with the birthday boys.
.......Next stop Switzerland
"Mind the Crack"(Inside Joke)
Thanks to all for making Professor Ryan's birthday special. Enjoy today! As the Prof continually tells his daughters and myself "Life is the journey, not the destination" Lu Ann Ryan