Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Moments

The trip is winding down, to my dismay, and everyone is enjoying every last moment.

The evening of May 29th was a festive one considering it was Delana's 19th birthday. There was a plan to take her out for ice cream but there were riots on the streets only a couple miles away, so we all stayed in. Jordan also arrived late that night, after all of his passport problems were resolved.

The next morning began at 8am. We walked towards the bus to begin our adventures. First we went to see some of the stadiums from the 2004 Olympics. We saw the inside of the track and the saw a presentation about all of the events that have been held in the stadium since the Olympics were there.

We arrived at the site of the museum and had some snacks at a cafe while we waited for Nike. Debbie and Tyler went back to the hotel to get some rest but the rest of the group continued on to the National Archaeological  Museum for a little over an hour. Most of the group enjoyed the mask of Agamemnon, which I provided a picture of below.

As a group we went out for lunch in Manistraki, Nike included. We all passed plates of various foods, in order to try everything. My favorite was the tazitki, I believe it is the best i have tried since we arrived in Greece.  Following dinner we went to the market and browsed through some of the shops on the street. We all had ice cream and sat to talked while we ate it. Gypsies were walking by trying to sell us roses or play us music for money.

Most of the group was exhausted at this point, so most of us too long naps until dinner time. At 9:30 we went to get sushi. A few people that dislike sushi broke off from the group.  The restaurant was Dosirak. A fun time was had by all. Jon P drank a soy sauce and wasabi mixture that was quite comical. After the meal ended, we were given markers to write on the walls of the restaurant, so many of us did. After returning to the hotel, most of us just went to sleep considering we had to be up early in the morning to the the Acropolis. 


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